If you’ve been keeping track lately, or can’t… you’ve probably seen me be involved in a number of different things… let’s see, murals, exhibitions, coaching, dancing and touring and even producing some live music events.
No I’m not crazy (most of the time), there is a single core reason that drives me, making all these things feel aligned.
I understand the power of the arts and the responsibility of the artists.
The Arts has this organic ability to draw people in and lift their whole vibration just by being in its presence. It can reach everybody, and is even a little bit more fun than a therapist.
Let me explain how exactly murals can transform the feel of whole towns and musicians can fill stadiums of people for just a 2 hours music immersion. Its a phenomenon we easily observe but haven’t really questioned how exactly this happens and what role it plays in the human consciousness.
In the arts we are playing in the realm of vibrations. Music is a vibration, each note having its own frequency, visual artists paint with colour – light frequency, dancers move and express energy through their bodies.
And then …..something magical happens.

Mural “Abundant” in Carnarvon.
As the audience connects with the art – the music, the painting, the movement, the art is “felt”. The artist’s energy is passed from themselves, to the audience, through the artform until the audience is oscillating in the same vibrations as that of the artist.
Think about some of your favourite songs. You know that when you go to listen to that song it’s going to make you feel a certain way. Your whole vibration syncs up with the energy of the song. You feel its messages through the rhythms and lyrics and embody it as if you are feeling what the musician lived in that very moment of singing it.
Visual art is the same. When an audience pauses for a moment to connect with a painting they are tapping into the vibrational quality of the art. The painting is manifested in the energy of the artist, and holds this vibrational signature. This is why I was attracted to murals. Imagine what it does, a whole town with high quality artwork that is accessible to everyone. People seek this out, like a good song, because they know its going to make them feel a certain way.
We sync up to many surrounding energies every day: music; movies; a novel, our environment; each other. We don’t really even have to think about it, it happens automatically.
The reason why this is a powerful thing to recognise is because our next thought, word, action and idea will come from whatever energy we are in at the time. In its simplest form, if we are in a happy mood, we will think, say and do happy things, if we are in a sad mood we think, say and do sad tings. Obviously we carry more complexities as humans, as does our art, so through art we can convey powerful messages through an energetic transference in an organic way. Good art has the power to affect how we think, how we speak and relate to each other and the things we choose to do in a positive way.
And so here lies the value and the responsibility of the artist. In order for an artist to deliver their work in a desired essence they move themselves through layers of vulnerability, they take risks, summon courage and are forced to believe in themselves over and over and over again. The artist’s path is a journey of growth with the art being the very thing that holds the artist to integrity.
The further the artist goes the more they get to pass themselves on, new levels of vibration being put out into the ether to be embodied by others.
And here we are evolving consciousness, just through dancing, playing, painting and being.
For the artist to simply get clear on the true value of their offerings can be enough to catapult them through the hard stuff. Holding a deep knowing on what creative offerings do for conscious evolution is a belief in something greater than ourselves. Which means when ‘ourselves’ get in the way, ie: when judgement, criticism, failures, discomfort and vulnerability make us want to tap-out, we can remind ourselves, that actually, this is really important.
To view my coaching sessions and packages, visit here.